Author Musician Ukulele Workshops

Listing Info
from the Craig Brandau web site
After playing the guitar for over 40 years, Craig discovered the ukulele, and has not looked back. Although he enjoys nearly all styles of music, his true passion is creating chord melody arrangements and finds the ukulele to be a perfect fit. Craig’s ukulele idols include Herb Ohta-San, Benny Chong, and Lyle Ritz. However, his single greatest influence is the legendary guitar player and arranger, Howard Heitmeyer.
<div class="img-center"><img class="artist" src="//" alt="" width="120" height="120" /> <img class="artist" src="//" alt="BrandauCraig-Tenderly.png" width="120" height="120" /></div> Craig had the good fortune to begin studying with Howard in 1991 and is still working with him on ukulele arrangements today. Howard makes a rare appearance on this CD, playing, “Craig’s Waltz” with his trusty Kono classical guitar.
More information available on the Craig Brandau's web site.
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